Teal Pumpkin Project: A Safer and Inclusive Halloween Tradition

*This article serves as a follow-up to our recent piece on common Halloween candy allergens; please take a moment to read it as well.

Halloween is a beloved time for children, but for those with food allergies, it can be fraught with risk. Many traditional Halloween candies carry allergen risks, making the holiday a potentially dangerous affair. However, there's a heartwarming initiative that aims to change this - the Teal Pumpkin Project. In this article, we'll explore how this project has made Halloween safer and more inclusive for all children, including those with allergies.

Halloween and Food Allergies: A Potentially Risky Mix

Not every child can safely enjoy Halloween candy. Most candies associated with this holiday carry at least a trace risk of allergens, which can be a significant concern for those with severe allergies. Even minor cross-contamination could trigger a severe allergic reaction, and no child should have to worry about this while trick-or-treating with friends in whimsical costumes. It would be a cruel trick to deny these kids treats altogether, so why not offer them an alternative that poses no risk?

The Teal Pumpkin Project: A Safer Alternative for Allergic Kids

Enter the Teal Pumpkin Project. Placing a teal pumpkin outside your home on Halloween communicates to potential trick-or-treaters with allergies that you have non-candy treats available that are safe and enjoyable. Potential alternate treats include small toys, stickers, cool pencils, and any inexpensive yet fun trinkets. Think of the kinds of items you can redeem with tickets at venues like Chuck E Cheese; a few of these on hand are sure to excite kids nearly as much as fun-sized candy. A finger trap or slinky can provide entertainment for an extended period!

The Teal Pumpkin Project's Origin and Impact

The Teal Pumpkin Project originated as a local initiative in Eastern Tennessee, aimed at making Halloween safer for more children. It was later adopted and promoted by FARE, a prominent food allergy nonprofit. Over the past decade, this project has gained widespread acceptance and has contributed to a safer and more inclusive trick-or-treating experience. If you're interested in participating, be sure to register your home on the map provided so that others can easily find allergy-friendly places for their children. If you plan to take someone trick-or-treating for Teal Pumpkin goodies, consult the map to locate houses that offer them.

Inclusivity and Safety: The Teal Pumpkin Project's Legacy

The Teal Pumpkin Project has become a symbol of hope and inclusivity, making Halloween a joyous occasion for kids with food allergies. By offering non-food treats like toys and stickers, you can ensure that every trick-or-treater who visits your home has a memorable and safe Halloween experience. When offering Teal Pumpkin Project treats, be sure to place them in a separate bowl from any candy to prevent accidental contamination from torn packages. Additionally, exercise caution when selecting toys to include in your selection. For example, Play-Doh contains wheat, a common allergen, and latex allergies are prevalent, so offering balloons or bouncy balls may not be the best choice. Be mindful of these considerations to ensure you're contributing positively to a safe and enjoyable Halloween experience for everyone!

With a little thoughtfulness, Halloween can truly be a treat for everyone!


Meet Ibby, the inspiring leader and head writer at Accessibly Simple. Her mission is to create a more accessible world for all abilities. Ibby's personal challenges fuel her passion for creative problem-solving, making her a driving force in our mission to improve the world for everyone.


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