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Understanding Stimming: A Natural Expression of Emotions and Autistic Experience

Stimming, the outward expression of inward emotions through body movements and vocalizations, holds profound significance in the autistic community. It serves as a self-regulatory behavior, helping individuals cope with overwhelming or understimulating environments. From hand flapping to foot tapping, stimming encompasses a diverse range of behaviors. It is a natural and beneficial aspect of human expression, bringing uncomplicated joy. Understanding and embracing stimming is essential, fostering acceptance and inclusivity in our appreciation of diverse experiences.

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Understanding the Shift: Asperger's Syndrome to Autism Spectrum Disorder

Discover the transformative journey from Asperger's Syndrome to Autism Spectrum Disorder. This enlightening article delves into the historical context and societal progress that led to the shift in terminology. Gain insights into the inclusive approach that recognizes autism as a diverse and valuable part of humanity. Join us as we explore the evolution of medical understanding, leaving behind outdated perspectives and embracing a more compassionate and accurate framework for autism.

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